General Information About Batabari
Batabari is a Village in Matiali Block in Jalpaiguri District of West Bengal State, India. It belongs to the Jalpaiguri Division. It is located 53 KM towards North from District head quarters Jalpaiguri and 570 KM from State capital Kolkata. Batabari got its name from the popular Batabari Tea Estate which is located in this region. Here the structure of the houses is made of a particular bamboo species known as – ‘Bata’. It's a small village with little population located near Khunia more and it is also a part of Gorumara National Park. The main attractions of this place are Landscapes and Tea gardens. This Place is in the border of the Jalpaiguri District and Darjeeling District. Darjeeling District Gorubathan is west towards Batabari. Chalsa Junction Railway Station is the very nearby railway stations to Batabari. However, New Jalpaiguri Railway Station is major railway station 51 KM near to Batabari. Once you are in Batabari make sure to check out Dam Dim, Chalsa Mahabari and Chalsa. Another place to visit nearby is Malbazar. It is a newly created subdivision (1990s) and was earlier part of Jalpaiguri Sadar subdivision of Jalpaiguri district. The area is famous for tea gardens and moist deciduous forests. While staying at Batabari you can visit sanctuaries like Gorumara and Jaldapara will offer remarkable sights of wildlife, including the one-horned rhinoceros (an endangered species). Avid birdwatchers will have many exciting birding encounters. The orange orchards at Samsing, white water rafting in the Teesta river, views of the Bengal plains from Phuntsholing in Bhutan, temples, monasteries and nearby villages are worthy of discovery. There are good accommodation facilities in Batabari. You can get a number of resorts here with well equipped and has very nice comfortable rooms.
Best Time to Visit Batabari
The tourist can visit the Batabari in Jalpaiguri at any time of the year excepting the monsoon as the forests remain closed.

Chalsa Mahabari and Chalsa. Another place to visit nearby is Malbazar. It is a newly created subdivision (1990s) and was earlier part of Jalpaiguri Sadar subdivision of Jalpaiguri district. The area is famous for tea gardens and moist deciduous forests.
While staying at Batabari you can visit to sanctuaries like Gorumara and Jaldapara will offer remarkable sights of wildlife, including the one-horned rhinoceros (an endangered species). Avid birdwatchers will have many exciting birding encounters.
The orange orchards at Samsing, white water rafting in the Teesta river, views of the Bengal plains from Phuntsholing in Bhutan, temples, monasteries and nearby villages are worthy of discovery. There are good accommodation facilities in Batabari. You can get a number of resorts here with well equipped and has very nice comfortable rooms.
Bagdogra Airport which is located 83 km from Dooars is the nearest airport. It is well developed and connected to many major cities in India. From the airport, you can easily find a taxi to reach Dooars.
Dhupguri railway station is nearest from Dooars and is located 26 km away from the place. Regular trains connect this station to prominent cities.
Alternatively, cab services are available from nearby cities. Few state-run buses also operate.
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