Planning your tour to Dooars
If this is your first trip to Dooars, we recommend your staff to the popular destinations like Gorumara, Jaldapara and Buxa. If you have already travelled to these destinations in the past, you may now look at more inside destinations such as Samsing, Chilapata or Raimatang.
The less visited destinations are more suitable for people who want to have a relaxed vacation amongst nature. Maybe you will end up spending the day just walking around villages and sitting beside a tittering hilly river.
Your tour duration can vary from a weekend to several weeks, depending upon what you want to explore. Many tourists from within Bengal travel to Dooars on a two night’s short trip. Most tourists would do well to spend between 5 to 7 nights to cover the important destinations of Dooars. Longer duration tours can help you explore Dooars and its true essence from close quarters.
Whatever your plan, duration, preference; our helpdesk team is ready to assist you with organising your tour. Just fill a form with your requirement and our team will get back to you within hours.